Rep. Christine Chandler Champions Fair Wages Bill To Prevent Wage Theft … Now Heads To House Floor (NM)

Submitted by Carol A. Clark on February 23, 2019 – 8:34am

SANTA FE – The House Judiciary Committee passed Rep. Christine Chandler’s (D-Los Alamos) bill Friday to champion fair wages and benefits for workers. House Bill 246, regarding the Prevailing Wage, protects workers adversely affected by wage theft.

House Bill 246 ensures that New Mexicans are paid a fair wage for a hard day’s work by closing loopholes, providing a complaint resolution process, and increases penalties for violations. Addressing these issues in the Prevailing Wage law will keep jobs local, workplaces safe, and ensure quality workmanship in public projects.

Specifically, the bill makes certain that all employees working on public works projects are compensated fully. The bill also provides a process for workers to initiate prevailing wage complaints, and a mechanism for complaint resolution. House Bill 246 also increases penalties for those who do not properly compensate workers according to the Public Works Minimum Wage Act.

“Wage theft and treating workers unfairly undermines New Mexico’s economy. This legislation protects workers from exploitation and ensures they receive their hard-earned paychecks,” Rep. Chandler said. “Wage theft runs contrary to our values as New Mexicans, and I am proud to see this legislation move forward for working families.”

House Bill 246 now heads to the House floor.

(See Article)