Murphy signs executive order creating Jobs and Economic Opportunity Council

BY Michael Hill, Correspondent
February 27, 2018, 5PM EST

At the International Union of Operating Engineers Training Center Local 825, Gov. Phil Murphy painted New Jersey’s economy as stuck in the mud.

“For eight years, we have slogged behind every competitor state in multiple categories,” said Murphy.

His list went on – challenging his new role to lead the state to a stronger and fairer economy.
“It’s time for New Jersey to get back to leading by doing,” said the governor.

With the stroke of a pen, the governor signed another executive order, his 12th in six weeks. This time, creating the Jobs and Economic Opportunities Council within the Governor’s Office made up of the lieutenant governor and several cabinet members.
“Specifically, I’m directing the council to analyze state and national economic trends and data to design the policies needed to attract, expand and retain good jobs. I am asking them to identify potential funding sources,” said Murphy.

The governor said the council’s scope will be broad and do what he’s already ordered his cabinet to begin doing – streamline state government by considering how best to use technology.

“Turning New Jersey around must begin with fixing our economy, making us a place that creates jobs and new opportunities in innovation and infrastructure” continued Murphy.

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